Rendering company near me-Client request us to do 4 renderings for four houses.
Hi Athena!
I have someone interested in getting 4 rendering images for 4 houses. How can I go about paying you directly for them? Do you have paypal, venmo or zelle?
This is for 4 houses- attached are each autocad file and the colors/materials to use once you open them. Also attached is a rendering you did for us previously- please match the landscape used here- just simple evergreens along the foundation.
Send me a draft to see the colors incase there is a need to tweak them
Thank you so much!!
Below are the four angle drafts we produce for client approval

Client feedbacks:
Hi Athena! Thank you!
Just some minor comments- see my sketch attached
Remove tall evergreen trees
For house C- match house A roof (black)
For house D- Match house B roof (brown)
Also, can you make the hatching a smaller scale for the roof shingles.. the pattern looks too big
I have changes for this project, only on house B. See attached CAD file. We are making ‘B’ look more like ‘A’
Changes to main roof pitch (steeper) and roofs over garage door- window changes too
Please keep colors/materials the same from original rendering (attached)
Let me know if you have any questions!
Below are the final renderings: